About Me...

My name is Kelsey Barker and I am your host for the Next Level Social Media Marketing & Influencing content course. I am currently a university student in the class of 2023 with a major in Marketing and a minor in Social Media Marketing. My passion for social media marketing was sparked by my hobby of fingerboarding. In early 2012, I started my first YouTube channel called Kelsey Fingerboards. It began as a place to share my hobby with others but after a few years of posting here and there, I started taking it more seriously. As of 2020, I now have over 80,000 subscribers and 8,000,000 total views on my channel. Over the past eight years, I have produced about 200 YouTube videos, while developing my online persona and brand. As I got older, my love of fingerboarding as a hobby started to transform into a passion for social media marketing and influencing. I am driven to help others develop their own passion and start their journey to social media influencing, which is why I decided to create this content course. I truly go over every single piece of knowledge I have learned over the past eight years in hope of helping someone else achieve success. Fingerboarding is just one of an infinite amount of hobbies, interests, or passions that one can develop through the use of social media. Even in such a niche hobby, I was able to build my own brand of Kelsey Fingerboards. I can't wait to see how far you can take your passion!

Contact Me: [email protected]